Engineering Continuing Education

Month June 2024

Unraveling the Essentials: A Comprehensive Guide to PE PDH Requirements in Texas

As a professional engineer in Texas, staying abreast of PE PDH requirements is paramount. The Board of Professional Engineers mandates continuing education to ensure engineers maintain their competence and keep up with advancements in the field. So, what do you… Continue Reading →

Unlocking Success: The Significance of Continuing Education for PE License Renewal

As a professional engineer (PE) in Ohio, PE license renewal is a crucial aspect of maintaining your licensure and staying current in your field. One of the essential components of PE license renewal in Ohio is continuing education, which not… Continue Reading →

Support Engineers in Remote or Rural Areas with PDH Online and PDH Direct

Revolutionize how you earn your professional development hours (PDH) with PDH online and PDH direct options. For engineers in remote or rural areas, these modern educational tools provide a convenient and effective way to stay current with licensure requirements. Traditional… Continue Reading →

Enhance Soil and Groundwater Remediation Techniques with PDH Courses

Improve your skills and knowledge in soil and groundwater remediation by exploring how environmental engineering PDH courses can significantly benefit your career and technical expertise. In this blog, we will delve into the ways these courses support environmental engineers in… Continue Reading →

Improve Project Management Skills with PDH Courses for Land Surveyors

Mastering project management is essential for land surveyors. PDH courses for land surveyors offer valuable opportunities to develop these skills. By enhancing their project management abilities, surveyors can deliver projects more efficiently and effectively, ensuring client satisfaction and professional growth…. Continue Reading →

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