Engineering Continuing Education

Tag continuing education

How to Apply New Skills from Continuing Education to Real-World Engineering Problems

Engineers who actively apply what they learn in continuing education courses tend to advance their careers faster in Mississippi. For engineers, leveraging newly acquired skills can lead to better project outcomes and increased job satisfaction. While completing courses is a… Continue Reading →

Maximizing the Value of Your Continuing Education Courses

In many states, engineers are required to complete specific continuing education hours to renew their licenses. While this may seem like just another box to check, continuing education offers much more than mere compliance. It’s an opportunity to sharpen your… Continue Reading →

How Can Engineers Stay Ahead in a Rapidly Changing Industry?

Engineers are constantly facing new challenges due to rapid technological advancements. According to a 2023 report by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the demand for engineering jobs is expected to grow by 6% over the next decade. To remain… Continue Reading →

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