In the world of engineering, staying current with industry standards, new technologies, and best practices is paramount. Lifelong learning is not just a buzzword; it’s a fundamental necessity for professionals in this field. One of the key vehicles for engineers to engage in ongoing learning and skill development is through online PDH courses for engineers. This blog discusses the world of PDH requirements and the numerous benefits they bring to engineers looking to advance their careers.

What is a PDH?

PDH stands for Professional Development Hour. It is a unit of measure used to quantify the time spent on furthering your engineering knowledge and skills. For engineers, obtaining PDH is a requirement for license renewal in most states. The minimum duration of a PDH or professional development hour is typically 50 minutes, making it a manageable unit of time for busy professionals.

PDH can be earned in a variety of ways. One common approach is attending engineering seminars, workshops, or conferences. Typically, one hour of attendance at such an event equals one PDH. In today’s digital age, engineers can also earn PDH by taking online courses and attending webinars, which provide the flexibility to learn at their own pace and on their schedule. Moreover, some engineers choose to further their education by taking engineering-related college courses to accrue the required PDH.

Online PDH Courses for Engineers

Online PDH courses have gained significant popularity among engineers for several reasons. They offer convenience, allowing professionals to balance their busy work schedules with their continuing education requirements. With the ability to access course materials and lectures from anywhere with an internet connection, engineers can customize their learning experience to fit their needs.

At, we recognize the value of online PDH courses for engineers. We offer a wide range of PDH webinars, live lectures, CDs, and DVDs designed to help PE Engineers renew their licenses. Our courses cover a plethora of topics, all periodically updated with the latest advancements in engineering and sciences.


Our commitment to excellence means we tirelessly search for the most interesting and practical PDH courses to offer our clients. We understand that engineers want relevant and up-to-date content, so we ensure that our offerings align with the latest changes and requirements of State Boards of Engineers nationwide.

Benefits of Lifelong Learning through PDH

Engaging in lifelong learning through PDH courses carries numerous benefits for engineers:

  • Career Advancement: Continually updating your knowledge and skills through PDH can open doors to new career opportunities and promotions.
  • Compliance: Meeting PDH requirements ensures you maintain your engineering license and stay in good standing with your state board.
  • Enhanced Expertise: Learning about the latest developments and technologies keeps you at the forefront of your field.
  • Networking Opportunities: Attending seminars and webinars can help you connect with other professionals in your industry.

Join the Lifelong Learning Journey with

Lifelong learning is not a choice for engineers; it’s a necessity. PDH courses are a critical part of this ongoing educational journey, and is here to support engineers in their pursuit of excellence. Our commitment to delivering high-quality engineeringPDH courses and materials is unwavering, making us a trusted leader in the engineering continuing education industry. We take pride in helping engineers advance their careers and stay at the forefront of their field. So, as you embark on your journey of lifelong learning, remember that has your back.